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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Teach Babies to Swim for Safety Purposes

I had some little hard time watching this clip..Just the way they put the video together.,You have to check it for yourself to understand what it was. Im Pretty sure that this is for a good purpose and for a more "realistic approach" to the case even though i felt like it was sorta beyond that. I would actually recommend this to any parent to have their babies tke a class any survival and safety purposes.

As it says on the video; In Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. Drowning is the number one cause of death for children under 5 years of age.
"The Most Comprehensive and effective drowning prevention strategy in the world for infants and young children.( can't disagree right now, since we don't anything better than that)
Infants from 6 months to 12 months learn to roll on their backs to float even while fully cloathed.
PS..Maybe the 5 minute wait thing for the baby in the pool wasn't really 5 minutes. its probably just to show more in-depth to the concept.who knows?

Another Video very similar to tha approach of Drowning Prevention Strategy
The babies "Smile" in the end took some of my worriedness in the end...hehe


  1. When I lived in Arizona they offered a course at the "Y" in this. It's a great idea.

  2. I had seen newborn babies popped out from their mothers' wombs into transparent water tank catcher on TV and amazingly, they swim to surface- face out of the water like professional swimmers with their arms and legs flailing. Wonderful work of nature! The video here is just as great!
